UBGA Celebrates Ariel Collins

Ariel is an American Jr. Golfer who has demonstrated a winning flair in numerous junior golf tournaments.

Since 2016, Ariel has won over 90 Jr Golf
Tournaments, 10 Local Tour Championships, 3 Georgia State Titles, and 2 Player of the Year Awards. Ariel is also the 2x U.S. Kids Golf World Champion (2020 & 2021) with a 3rd place finish in 2022, while also earning Five top 20 finishes in the U.S. Kids World Championships.

Ariel has won other tournaments including the Western Georgia Jr. Classic (2022 & 2023), Peggy Kirk Bell Golf Tour, the Orange Whip Classic 2022 (PKGBT), and the 2023 PGA Georgia Southern Jr Classic.

The United Black Golfers Association is supporting her efforts, we hope you will too!

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UBGA Celebrates a Rising Star