Asst. Secretary (Emeritus)
Patrick (Len) Jones
About Me
Patrick (Len)Jones, Asst. Secretary (Emeritus), Is a retired Housing Manager Executive, with over 47 years of experience managing over 50,000 cooperative and fair market apartment units in New York State. He also served as the president of the New York Association of Reality Managers (NYARM) for ten years. He has also been the recipient of many awards, such as the 1993 Manger of the Year Award, the 1996 Lifetime Achievement Award from the NYARM and in 1999 he received the Co-op and Condo Man of the Year Award. Len was also listed in the 2004 National Register of the Who’s Who in Executives and Professionals that was placed in the U.S. Library of Congress.
He began playing golf in 1970, and was also a member of the Bedford-Stuyvesant Golf Club in Brooklyn and in 1975 he founded the Divots Golf Club of Brooklyn New York.
In March, 2014, after reading an article in the NY Daily News about the UBGA, he joined and is an active member of this organization.